Sara Stuart

Is That Better

Is what better?
The telly, silly. Is the picture better?
The young man said that as far as he was concerned the television was entirely non-existent, since he had never believed that any inanimate man-made object, no matter how many dials and wires it had, could be regarded as real when compared with that which was a gift of nature.
SARA STUART, Ayrshire girl, thought he was trying to give a lecture on social welfare. Beautiful but by no means vain, Sara had no idea just how much better she looked than the television set.
The young man, quite earnestly absorbed in his subject, went on about tramcars and monuments, lucidly dissecting the argument that these things can be looked at with sympathy and admiration, and emphasising his own argument about things that really mattered.
At the end of it all Sara, a secretary with a liking for classical music, said she supposed that what he meant was that he wasn't bothered about the television programme.
"Oh good," said the young man, "you've caught on. How about coming out to dinner with me?'
"I was beginning to think,' said Sara,' that you'd never ask.'

Beautiful Britons No 181 - 1970

Sara Stuart

Shirts, Sweaters and Boots

When it comes to showing off the latest line in what the model girl is wearing today, fashion model SARA STUART is considerably with it. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that Sara is rather delightful to look at herself, and a shirt or a sweater or a pair of boots can almost be said to do no more than gild the lily.

And when nylons have to be modelled, who has a lovelier leg than Sara? Sara, by the way, is eighteen, spans the tape measure at 36"-22"-35". loves horses and winter sports, and is a classically beautiful Scot.

Spick No 130 - September 1964

Sara Stuart

Extremely Photogenic

Extremely photogenic is Scottish pin-up SARA STUART, and whenever we're in the highlands we spend our time looking for her. Usually, Sara sees us first and goes off to Ireland until we've gone away.

Spick No 185 - April 1969

Sara Stuart

Eye-Catching Deb

Coming out with the rest of this year's high society girls might have made SARA STUART a little remote from us. But Sara is essentially a friendly girl, enchanted by all that keeps a philosopher down on the ground and a sputnik up in the air. Life is the keynote of Sara's interest in each day as it arrives, she loves the Beatles and is mad about Sir Malcolm Sargent. Also, she's one of the most eye-catching gals in the place.

Span No 134 - October 1965